Not a bunch of crazy war-fuelled black-clothed extremists.
Definitely not a man a hater ploughing a van through innocents leaving them with an early encounter of death.
Absolutely not Bombers Killers Murderers ISIS
Struggle. That is the meaning of Jihad
Jihadi Someone who struggles.
Muslims, People Who Struggle
Who need to wake up for dawn prayers Who struggle with school work Who want to increase their faith Who are terrified of being on another hater'***** list Who walk around bearing the slurs about their religion Who need to feed kids Who want to go to school Who have armslegskneesheartsfaces ------are human
**do they sound like killers?
I'm muslim, do you think I'm a killer?
In news nowadays, you hear the term 'jihadi' quite a lot. I just thought that I would clear it up by explain 'Jihad' to you people who may be confused.
Jihad essentially means 'struggle' and the term jihadi essentially means 'struggler'. There are two main types of jihad: major and minor.
Major Jihad is struggle within oneself. Examples are, getting up early to fast, or praying that one extra prayer. In fact, even non-muslims commit jihad. A good example is 'struggling' to wake up for school/work. A lot of us do it even though its hard.
Minor jihad basically means the circumstances used to protect Islam against others if Islam is threatened. This jihad can only be done is there is no other peaceful alternatives. If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. However, even to this there are rules.
During this Jihad, no minors, women, children, the elderly or innocents are allowed to be harmed. It is also forbidden to commit this jihad and hurt the environment and trees. This includes buildings as well. In addition to that, if there is a peace treaty, they must accept.
That's the rules. Do you guys still think I'm a killer?