Though some believed that just as beauty Space was in the eye of the beholder, An abstract justification for human experience Of matter and its motion,
An ancient thinker, by history called the Great, Asserted with conviction, it simply did not exist. Nothing was not a concept of nature Abhorring vacuum, and all agreed.
As nothing came from nothing, Nothing couldn’t be. Empty space Out of consciousness’ reach.
Deprived of objects it had no purpose, For what would its purpose be If not that of being a place To contain all that exists?
The mind puzzling game concocted If space could exist independently of matter Matter could not exist independently of space, For where would it be?
So came another thinker questioning ‘Is space something rather than nothing?’ As indeed deprived of the object, undeniably The place de facto would still exist.
Time passing by replaced thinkers with scientists, Defining its nature for it to be infinite and absolute, Existing independently of objects and the mind of the observer, Observing its balancing force, counteracting that of gravity,
To keep things apart. Dark energy, Energy of space.
Now searching for particles to fill in the voids To justify the dynamic and expanding quality Of a Universe which might as well Be a plenum.
Retracing back the steps to initial perceptions Of inexistent space for a Cosmos filled With fundamental particles elegantly orchestrating The motion of all that ever was, is and will be.