i think i'm having a mid-life crisis. like, i feel like when i look at myself i don't look like myself. but i been looking at the same face for forever, give or take the amount of eyeliner i got on. when i was seven i had a mental breakdown and when i was fourteen i tried to end it all. now twenty-one is coming soon (too soon, not soon enough) and i just feel like i feel nothing. does this mean i'm gonna die in my early forties? or tomorrow? i look in the mirror and my face isn't my face, my thighs aren't my thighs but i feel my cheeks and it seems right. there's gotta be a name for this in-between **** that's making me lose my mind, lose myself, lose my grasp on reality and is this supposed to be happening? my mama tells me all the time that i'm more normal than i think but i think i feel like i'm dying and i don't think everyone is feeling like that right now. god i just feel like an ocean i feel like i'm touching something, holding onto something, but in the middle i'm huge and dark and full of everything and nobody gets me but everybody is on my surface. when i was little i said "i feel like i won't ever be a cliche" and here i am