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Jun 2017
Toxic people fill my mind
it' s all too much to breathe
their noiseless talking fills the air
and pollutes all that i see.
I planted rosemary in my mind
to replenish and release,
weeds came around and choked them out
along with positivity
I am small in my mind,
so much smaller than before
I tried to close my house from them
but they broke down my door.
The world is full of beauty, I think
I read it in a book
But voices whisper I am wrong,
Maybe I have been wrong all along.
Is goodness really all within,
And if so can it be taken?
I don’t want them to take my soul,
My heart is there’s for breaking.
Anna Grace
Written by
Anna Grace  19/F/Rochester, NY
(19/F/Rochester, NY)   
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