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May 2017
I am a mental man,
The feelings are so true,
I am a genuine man,
Sentimental man.

I had cried like children,
In sheer repentance,
Repentance of exposing,
Exposing my love to him.

For he was less of a friend,
More of an obsessive flirt,
He enticed her and I lost,
I lost a lot of my sanity.

I am a motional man,
The gait is a slightly limpy,
I am a touchy man,
Emotional man.

I had pent up my tears,
The evening was blue,
Took a purple shade my ears,
Reasons to live were so few.

I was not possessive,
But just highly insecure,
Because leave me she may,
I don't want her to regret her choice.

For I had loved her,
More as a father,
And less like a lover,
A guilt that will stay forever.

Because it's her name,
Her name is tattooed,
Even in this thought,
And onto my heart.
My HP Poem #1559
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
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