the longest runs are the things that **** us we can train we can raise our knowledge but we can never prepare for the hurt the anger the tears the scars. when i say what's happening people pity me they try to 'help' they look at me with sad eyes and tell me to just solve it. i can't, now can i. it hurts. i love. i hate. when you think you get out of it it ropes you back in if i cry you don't care if i yell you don't care if i leave you hit me with words you slap me with insults tell me i'm stupid i'm an idiot i'm worthless. you pull me back in into the fishing line and i'm caught caught on the hook you trick me say that you'll always love me no matter what. then you go along and shed your hateful words like a snake still, i'm caught in the fishing line. i'm stuck in the hook. and there's no getting out.