And as I fasten seated breath, belt of my love essence is secured for journey in vehicle divine.
Sirens roar, as I align to source in celebration, in exuberance, for the spiritual road, I take, consciously awake.
Guides stand like trees tall, in support to lead, as barrage of angels gather to assist.
Higher self-filters into crown, as the energies present integrate for peace.
Earth's precious scenery is revealed on thoroughfare inside grace as I echo gratitude.
My road is adorned with many hurdles and blue sky as sacred form fully engages.
First gear, moves me ahead to dance. Second gear expands heart to play and bless ears. Third gear, lets me fly in harmony like birds. Fourth gear veil of forgetting is lifted to learn things unfold with reason.
Fifth gear comes when life is complete, and I smoothly move fromΒ this life, to my next.