They tell me to lay down and to please look at the fish. Notice how they glide in-and-out of the cool-blue water; how they don't have a care in the world -- they're fish: one out of millions; mindless; alone in packed tanks; alone, jammed in metal cans full of corpses and low-quality mustard.
Putting the mask over my perfect nostrils, my straight teeth, they say Don't be afraid; listen to my humming; how it will blend with the high-pitch screech you hear, now; becoming an equilibrium of torture and fantastical strangeness, unbound by Gods, by Persons, by Loves.
Inside this perfect dark, you cannot think beyond the giant broad strokes that is the world sweeping by -- and it is marvelous, the buoyant miseries floating above your head; my head of ambivalent visions; the Earth's core, a furiously violent brilliance, ablaze beneath my feet, under layers of confounded deathly masquerade; a mask much like mine: an egotistical reflection brought out by one's feeling of gigantic import- -ance, despite hanging from the vastest of ceilings; a wannabe church in the sway of jungle mind; primitive instinct.
You know you can wake up Β Β at this point, or so they say. What does it all mean, to which I murmur, I don't know. It's hard to say what I know; if anything, all I have is doubts. All I can muster are regrets; I wish I could return to that perfect dark, confused and semi-philosophical; all- pretentious: a feeling of being bound by brokenness.
They tell me to chill out; you use semi-colons like they're heartbeats. Focus on whether your chest holds validity.