The FBI chief, Mr. Comey, was loved by Trump like his best *****. For he went around hintin' about emails and Clinton, making Trump fans excited and foamy.
But then Comey provided reflection upon Trump aides and Russian connection. Trump did protest and howl, stamp his feet and cry foul, for the tide has turned since the election.
Trump thinks Comey is guilty of slander, though his Hillary probe raised no dander. So I guess Trump's excuse is what's good for the goose simply does not apply to the gander!
So why Donald Trump am I hounding through this verse and this poetic pounding? It's Trump's hypocrisy that so motivates me and we're used to it!... That's what's astounding!
You can also see this and my other Trump poems at: Link to video of this poem: Written: May 11, 2017