I’ve completed hundreds of puzzles Puzzles with a few pieces Puzzles with many pieces I’ve started putting together another puzzle This puzzle started off like all the others I started with the border and started working my way inwards For the first time I became perplexed I tried my hardest to find the correct piece to fil this blank space I think I have tried every piece that the puzzle came with I am almost convinced I am missing a piece This puzzle has been an infuriating undertaking I have spent countless hours trying put all the pieces together Now some of the pieces are starting to become disfigured Some of the pieces have become discolored I have spelt my morning coffee on some of these pieces The damage has been done but I am determined to finish it For whenever I start a puzzle I always finish it No matter the amount of time I have spent on it This one however isn’t going to look like the picture on the box I have given up on that pipe dream Now I am creating a beautiful collage