Darling, I am alone,
Not lonely,
I chose to stay home,
And enjoy my own company,
I like the way it is,
And how it feels,
To have no strings,
Nor someone waiting for me,
I like to tune in whatever I like,
Without a worry of an extra pair of eyes,
Cook, drink and smoke,
And never worry of my heart ever being torn,
Darling, I chose to be free,
Because love always seems like a cage to me,
Talk to him but not that one,
Watch carefully for my tongue and lines,
I hate to disappoint,
Because I'm a mess in my head,
So instead of being pain to someone else,
I'd rather lay alone on my bed,
Darling, I understand what you say,
But life to me had always gone a different way,
So I'd rather have a million who won't be just for me,
Than someone absent when I need her there, to be,