Never act like your a writer . Or say the things you believe others want to hear. Art is in never being certain. The page has no time for half *** lines .
Do not be what you think a writer is. Writers are ego driven ******* to self absorbed to see anything in front of them. And thats just there good quality's .
Don't pen it the way you believe that will please others take it down the road as far as it has to go .
Let it get messy let it be awkward. If your thinking bout other people your ****** to begin with .
You the page the ******* work that is all that matters . That is what makes you a writer .
Not people blowing smoke up your *** . Not how many people read it. Who publishes it and if you made a dime off it.
Make that page bleed . And **** those who dont get it. Lemmings have often had to be told whats in .
They think there hip they want to hang around those who have it in hopes they can maybe find it as well.
They are like cancer you listen long enough to there ******* and they poison the well of your imagination.
Never take advice from someone who can't do what you can.