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Mar 2017
Here's the thing hate and prejudice,
are both learned behaviors.

I don't believe we were ever birthed,
that way -not from our inception,
from whatever God you pray,
or what you believe in,
because that is-
you doing you
an well I really gotta wonder who
just who am I to say,
what the hell is just so right anyway?

And what about all those religions,
that all say we turn into angels?

We already are then no?
On the inside?

An maybe we don't have the wings to fly,
or maybe we got too much pride,

Whatever the case is,
but when you're walking down the street and another soul is kind and good
they will smile at your spirit,
and you will smile back-
knowing that
you are the same.

There is always that forced smile with the cashier who has a grimace and you know it's just because she's having a bad day,
I smile at her and,
I do it anyway.

And I also believe that I can recognize a bad soul one who is a part of the lost people.

So very..... sad to me.

Sentient souls sing in churches,
but they sing outside of them too.
If we open our hearts we can see.

We learned hatred as a need because of survival in dark times.

So what makes someone wise in old age?
Awareness and in the ability to harness it.

Because anyone has been super aware can feel that it's overwhelming.
I was never aware,
-enough -
and then it all came and -
struck like a hammer.

And I should know a lot about building
and hammers -
as my father was a carpenter.

An wasn't Jesus so?

Even if you don't buy into religion,
there is many valuable things
in his teaching to know.

Many compassionate words
to encourage,
in my point of view,
to open to subjective opinions.

Anything with that confusing,
of translation-
  to me anyway is open
for too much interpretation.

I know personally,
when I have read passages in the Bible,
  it's like poetry-
everyone takes something
different away, no?

I am my own church
and I share it with my family,
an we all are our own Gods in our hearts.

My father was Native American mostly.

Grew up in Vermont all his life-
he was raised dirt poor and came up
from nothing.

His father was sort of worthless-
you might say not a bad person
he just didn't like to work and was pretty abusive. I saw him soften as a grandfather but never really turn into the beautiful soul he could have been. He stayed locked in that hatred in a death dance. I hope his spirit is free now that he has found forgiveness for his life.

My father grew us up different he did not ever abuse his children he worked all his life as a carpenter. Refinished three houses in all his years for us they were all very beautiful. Sometimes working for others and sometimes himself- sometimes the foreman sometimes the boss. He worked 14 hours if he had to including a 2 hour drive. They were very rarely sick days because he didn't get paid for them and even a few occasions he worked out of state and came back and forth on the weekends, anything to keep his family's table full of love.

We shared what we had with so many people- a woman who had M.S. -my uncle who had heart surgery- my brother's girlfriend who became my foster sister -
an Italian exchange student- my friends, neighbors, relatives and strangers
my father well, he knew the dangers
the list goes on too,
there was always always food for everyone.

He endured much prejudice in his own life mostly as a youth, yet again in the Army
but poor hearts are strong though.
Father was a homebody an kind of,
a loner in a way like me I know sometimes I can feel completely alone in a room full of people nothing worse than feeling completely misunderstood as I imagine he did too. I miss him more every single day now that I realize this.

He was a wonderful soul with a fierce spirit there was nothing that he wouldn't try to fix for you whether it was your truck, or your... heart. ❤

I believe I was always a good, decent, intelligent kind person. However I was still kind of lost in my own selfish instinct. Almost everything we do is born out of selfishness the acceptance of that reality is what makes it easier to be happy and contented even in the worst of circumstances . When I cook for others I to cook for myself and I take a great deal of pride in it. I also give it all my heart and hand it to every bit of my brain.

So to me maybe it's not for every boy there's a girl- maybe...just for some.
Maybe when we choose to come here,
when we get into a certain body it just doesn't feel right, maybe we're just not attracted to the people they say we should be. Maybe there's a lot more gay and bisexual people in what we realize- seeing how again, being strictly heterosexual in my opinion is another learned behavior. One that eventually has caused some people to end their life because of the torture they endure I wonder how it feels,
to think you need a "cure"?

Two species were created - however that happened -as a male and female,
are we so sure -certain,
that we're attracted
to the only opposite *** ?
My father taught me anyone who is so certain is dangerous.
Maybe souls just recognize their counterpart in another

Yes perhaps we see with our hearts,
the beautiful soul and kindred spirit behind their mysterious and familiar eyes
we see the beauty deep inside,
finally relieved- we can recognize
that OURS to live.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Yeah but what do I know? ; ) for a friend who feels prejudice- I pray the world changes tolerant.❤❤❤
Ma Cherie
Written by
Ma Cherie  F/Somewhere in Vermont....
(F/Somewhere in Vermont....)   
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