What should love be? The answer may elude thee, But in the corinthians the 13th chapter it speaks clearly Loudly the answer of what love should be
Love should be patient, and never complacent But always adjacent to kindness Love should be kind, It should always give you peace of mind In that peace of mind you should find no jealousy Your insecurities should not control you carelessly You should endlessly view this recipe as necessity because allegedly love is not boastful but it is noble and vocal But while vocal it does not speak of it’s own because it is not proud It is not loud, it does not wear a shroud or talk highly of itself in a crowd Because that isn’t acceptable , and love is not rude, love is never crude, it would never intrude, always makes you feel renewed This is why love should be pursued, because love is not self-seeking It will never have you misleading, cause if you did you probably would be conceding, or overheating which wouldn’t work out because love is not easily angered, Because anger can have you sink like an anchor, have your eyes glowing reddish like amber, see love keeps no record of wrong. Love looks at you in your mistakes and sings a redemption song and hopes that you will song along. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, and love always protects, it will lay it’s life down, it would not make a sound, it will dive in after you, whether to swim or drown,
Love always trusts Love always HOPES Love always perseveres And finally , Love Never Fails.