this earthly plane was one i wasn't too fond of i wanted to go to jupiter or somewhere like it big and full of orange like my favorite sunsets Europa is my favorite moon because it reminds me of europe it reminds me of anywhere but here it reminds me of away it reminds me of gone have you ever wanted to be so far away, so stretched thin to the point of no return? it's an earthly human feeling that i'm not too fond of i'd like to be an alien not the green or the gray ones with big heads and thin bodies but the ones who know things more things things that Plato knew and things that Sylvia Plath knew and Goethe, and Einstein, and Martin Luther King Jr., and every woman on the planet I want to know things things no one knows and i can't do that here! i need to be in jupiter or a heaven of sorts because the fire of this hell burns my not only my tears but my passion dry