I don't want to lose you But I fear I would If I told you the truth About how I feel Oh, where do I start? Would you stop? When you stare at me with curiosity My confidence quivers Let me speak my mind And my heart too Let me let you know Just how much I love you You have no idea You fail to understand The depths of my feelings The emotions I swim in every day You're unaware of what you mean to me And I fear when I let you know I will lose you Because somewhere along I know the feeling isn't mutual But because I love you so much my darling friend I will muster the courage To break the silence, risk an end But I will not bend To the hands of fear If fate so desires that you push me away So be it, but know, you'll always be dear And now, hush now Don't you say a word, let me finish You need to know this Let me begin, let me finish Tell me, once I'm done... Can't we just be friends Without the romance of romantic love? For friendship is just as beautiful and there is a certain romance about pure love of friendship, nothing more, nothing less So why can't we be <strikethrough>just</strikethrough> friends?
In friendship, a lot of love is lost. In love, friendship.