My eyes* search for you Wherever I go, Desperate to meet your sparkling one's. My mind goes blank When I stand before you, Lost in your presence. My limbs quiver When you smile at me, Passing on the sweetness. My lips get locked When you ask me a question, Trying to answer. My words are lost Before they reach you, Leaving us a step behind from being way more. My heart hurts When I can't tell you, How I feel. Because, I'm afraid I might lose you, I might hurt you, That I'll never be forgiven.. I hate“the me” Who's hiding his feelings In the fear of losing you.
My friends feelings when he sees his crush... I tried to write how he felt hope he liked it.. and I do hope you'll like it too. I am not good at writing. Please excuse me if I did any mistakes.. and do feel free to suggest.