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Dec 2016
The old house stood against the sea
Neglected and alone
Peeled paint and blasted tree
Bleached as unearthed bones

Windows cracked and broken
There upon the heath
Doors mouths with words unspoken
A fence of rotten teeth

The gardens are untended
The ivy overgrown
Supporting beams so bended
The house should crumble down

Walk into ancient fairylands
Where the furnishings are dust
The curtains torn to greying strands
The chandelier is rust

Alone a peeling mirror
Along the wall I see
I look into it's empty depths
And behold the poet... ME.

(C) 12/28/2016
I've been gone a long time again. I haven't been on any social media, including Facebook. Christmas has been very hectic. I made all my presents as I could not afford to buy any. I could give you a million excuses as to why I have not been here. The truth is that I could not tell you what has been happening with me. I have been in a deep depression. This Soul was not Surviving well. The holidays are always really hard for me, even though I have family. I don't know if it's the winter coming on in my Scandinavian blood, or the fact that my mother was always very depressed this time of year also. But lately I have been thinking of you all a lot. So here I am, hat in hand, asking your forgiveness once again for my absence. Belatedly I offer you:

Happy thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas!

And all the best for the new year... I will be around for that. Please forgive me!
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