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Dec 2016
They said that I should forgive you, for I won’t be able to write. Those people who can’t forgive will have a hard time writing.

I prove them wrong.

This pain that I feel are the words that I write. This broken heart that I have is the reason that keeps me going.

I still can’t forgive. How can you easily forgive someone who gave you so much memories to miss? How can you easily forget those memories if they made you the happiest? How can I forgive him if he took that happiness away...because he took himself away from me?

How can you forgive someone if he made you live in a dream you’ve always wanted only to leave, just like that?

I still can’t forgive. I still can’t let go because I know that because of this pain, I always knew that it was all real.
Written by
miki  25/F/Tartarus
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