On that day, you were with me under the universe's eye and the moon's light; You held my hand as you stare through my eyes humming a sweet song for our hearts to jive; Under a gazebo with stary lights on the trees, bringing me warmth and comfort everywhere I see; You said every inch of me is beautiful. that I should never change who I am; Then softly you touched my cheek and kissed me so gentle yet so passionate; A tear escaped from my eyes as you confess your love, for I don't know why out of all people, you picked me; Yet all I felt at that moment is that I love you too, Your the only person that can make my heart beat so fast yet so slow, at the same time; Many people hate me for you, yet you leave them all just to be with me; Then suddenly you kneel on one knee and ask me to be your wife; all kinds of emotion overwhelmed my heart With uncontrollable tears I replied...