Excuse me sir, Please enlighten me Why is it that when I don’t find your **** joke funny It means I have a ‘bad sense of humor’ But you don’t have a bad sense of morality? Excuse me sir, Please educate me Why is it that when a white man ***** an unconscious woman, He only got three months in jail? Because he was ‘a good athlete’ Excuse me sir, Please ask me Why I need my feminism I need feminism, because ‘boys will be boys’ is being used to justify **** Because if I decide I want to wear short shorts, Or heels, Or even red lipstick- I am ‘asking for it’ Because if I am tipsy or unconscious, I am ‘asking’ for you to take over my body ‘Asking’ you to violate me in the worst way you could Because **** is being justified. Boys will not ‘be boys’ Boys will be held accountable for their actions- Just like everyone else So Excuse me sir, Don’t tell me **** jokes, Don’t tell me how Brock is a good athlete, Don’t tell me that I was asking for it, Don’t tell me that I should ‘consider myself lucky’, Or that I should have enjoyed it Don’t **** shame me, Don’t tell me it’s not a big deal, Don’t belittle ****. It can happen to boys, It can happen to girls, And everyone in between It can happen to you, Or to someone you love Excuse me sir, Please Don’t justify ****