If you find yourself unable To comprehend the notion That is Political Correctness And believe that outrage is The result of being offended Rather than the consequences Held behind the power of words I might believe you to be an *******.
If you are unable to control a pathological Need to spew hate and ignorance from your tongue And find that comparable to human suffering Or some divine right that has been stolen I again believe that you are likely an *******.
As a person, who by his own privilege Was fat with ignorance, having been spoon fed Lies and deceit as a result of words which are used And abused to oppress and suppress, Manipulating The masses to paint people as this, that or the other I am only further enraged at this sacrificial death of knowledge.
What thought can you not express in this politically correct world? What words that are not racial, sexually or otherwise charged, Can you not expel from your chest? Without hiding behind the guise of mental oppression, what can You truly wish to say that you have felt you cannot?
The truth of that matter is not what is permitted. It is that there is less validation in your hate. And you attribute this to someone simply being offended.