One of the many secrets, for facing Life’s adversity is a change of perspective; adjusting the lens, we see
things from a Heavenly view- whereby old problems are seen as new opportunities, teeming brightly, unsullied by routines
of dull, antiquated thinking. Address all challenges head on, without any semblance of fear; employing some spiritual brawn
ensures that final solutions can be found and implemented; real satisfaction comes, when by God, you’re complimented.
Inspired by: Eph 1:18; Matt 25:21 and
"It is one thing to face adversity but it is totally another thing to turn our adversity in to an eternal opportunity to become who God has planned us to be in Christ Jesus through it all. God never takes us through a tunnel that doesn't have a exit, so the one most important thing we have to do through the ordeal we face is to look in to the face of the Lord and trust Him that He will bring us out at the right time. Remember, that those who look in to God's face will become bright and rest in Him like as a baby, because they will understand that it is for their eternal good that God has taken them through such temporal tunnel experiences that bring eternal dividend. You can never learn to trust God more and more deeply, unless you pass through the dark tunnel experiences of life! So let go of yourself and let God take control." —Abraham Israel
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