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Sep 2016
I once plowed a field new
In proper time for rain and dew
I planted it in fertile loam
A soft heart that was my own

I planted seed, and it was Thine
I will wait for Harvest Time

The sun, it came up with each dawn
And those seeds grew up so strong
The rain, it came to quench the soil
So the seedlings wouldn't spoil


We nourished wheat,
plucked up the weeds
For we'd many mouths to feed
A plentiful crop, t'was lush and green
The greatest harvest ever seen!


When the time was ripe to reap
We worked so hard we could not sleep
We set about to thresh our wares
Separating wheat from tares


Threshing done, we ground our grain
In great hardship, blinding pain
But in the end, it can be said
That 8 billion souls were fed!


Tell me, friend, how grows your field?
When it's reaped, what will it yield?
Will it be good wheat or briars
To be thrown into the fires?


(C) 4/17/2006
Rewritten 9/15/2015
Ecclesiastes 3:2

To everything, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time for every
purpose under heaven.
"Turn, Turn, Turn"
The Birds

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