You’re afraid of all that river, the way that it rains so much in Florida yet the lavish deserts in California are dying. The way that Juneau is only reachable by plane but you can see it perfectly fine from Google Maps. Really, technology’s a miracle, except when robots look like people and one day we won’t be able to differentiate skin from slabs of metal.
Wait. You’re getting ahead of yourself. You’ve never even met a robot, though you’ve heard that they’re out there, manufacturing our cars, plotting an inevitable rebellion that will **** us all—
stop. Stop! Right now, your world’s peaceful. You're fine. It's not like you have heart disease or, god forbid, cancer, yet you still have this unsettling feeling that the world is going to get hit by a comet, and maybe this is it, darkness. Maybe this is why
you’re so afraid of fire, steel, of ambulances, thunderstorms, roses, smoke, modern art, the color red,