I laid here last year in this very bed with these very sheets and I could feel my throat closing around everything I've ever wanted to say
I could feel the heat on my cheeks, radiating from inside and pressing out to the surface, trying to warn others that there was a deep, burning hell within my mind
This time last year I sat in the shower, the steam and water acting as a thunderstorm and fog
My vision was blurry and all I could see was a drop of blood trickle down my wrist and the shower floor tint pink
I laid here last year with the thoughts of black roses and a scythe waiting to pull me through the loop that played in my head
Now I lay here this year, in this very bed with these very sheets and all I can see are colored flowers and warm faces and nights filled with so much love I never deemed possible
I can feel my body tire, not of life but of the day and I can feel my stomach flutter at the thought of a future
And just last year I could've sworn nothing would make me feel as much as those blades but nothing quite feels as good as loving and living your life