And still I am screaming from the base of my arteries "I gave all of me to you and you turned away" Swollen and drunk on a Sunday I make my way to the foot of the cross and call out your name once more I am a mess of American habits and self centered longing but still I long to be taken back into your living room and told that I am all that I was the day I opened myself to you The day I washed your feet on your kitchen floor Drunken and bruised laughing swearing that no matter how long I lived I would never ask for more You made me pasta and ran your fingers through my hair On days when my world bit at my ribs you reminded me that I was still there In simple gestures of midnight snacks and open hands I found you I loved you and I lost And now I find myself at the foot of the cross Spitting out your name like sour wine See the holes in my hands See the holes in my feet bore from your absence See the slash in my side from which a river of black pours Of all the ways I loved you and you never gave back And now I lie broken and small in my sheets Praying for some sign or relief that I am rid of you That the nights we spent are gone That your clothes are off my floor and my body still moves the way it did before you Honest and fully free in the gentle morning That no part of me longs for any part of you That my hands are full That my feet are guarded and my side safely stitched That all of me Β is all I am Instead of the lack, Instead of the work of your hands.
For our father, Who art in heaven Never hallowed your name. Though he let your kingdom come, And your will be done, He will restore my spirit. On earth As it is in heaven. He will give me today my daily bread forgive my debts Though I still have trouble forgiving you,Β unholy debtor. Though you lead me into temptation, He has kept me safe from evil. For yours, Was never the kingdom, The power, Or the glory, Forever and ever Amen.