An age old chair, in seasoned teak wood carved, a perfect work of art, nothing less than a masterpiece, and a reminder of so much past, sat regally before our wondering eyes, tempting on the central court yard of my ancestral home, where generations lived. Wanting to sit like my grandpas of yore I found a carpenter, perhaps the last one for this work who understands the air that surrounds the chair. We discussed the concept, design and the kind of wood it has to be made,to create a replica to bring back the grandeur of times past. But then, found not an easy task it is "Do you deserve it ?" the bearded carpenter, was so blunt in his skeptic stance! He puzzled me with his questions Yet we were keen to give it a try.
The adamant carpenter relented after many sessions of questions and answers, perhaps my passion did the trick, his eyes made me believe. He promised to make me a chair (The kind none would dream in this age) as if it's a mission divinely assigned, "You need to change a lot to deserve it" he insisted, suggests a series of purification rights "for your confused soul"
"To fit in to a chair like this , fulfill all it's demands"in my ear he whispered as if I am the chosen one for an ancient throne.
An antique chair shaped by the imagination of my distant ancestors, now changes me and without slightest resistance I submit; would I ever know what is happening?