When you want to learn something, Learn it all the way; And if something is worth doing, Do it in the best way; It isn't enough for wishful thinking, And not just enough to pray; Believing should always come first, faith and work is also the way; If success is what you admire, There is a huge price to pay; There might be difficulties as you go on, Be resilient come what may; Practice always makes perfect, Keep practicing everyday; But remember not to start a thing, And eventually end up halfway; Do not feel too comfortable on top, Learn something new each day; The end of growth as we know it, Is the beginning of decay; Do not despise others as you grow, You might need them someday; if a relationship intends to pull you down, Do not hesitate to breakaway; Remember also the contributions of others, And be willing to repay; Also do not rely solely on others, Try making your own headway; There are many who have so done, But were led astray; As you spend your time working hard, Reserve a little time to play; So that you don't loose loved ones, And leaving your mind in disarray; So get on with what you ought to do, There is no time to delay; Because ideas left under utilized, Can quietly slip away.
These words just kept flowing through me this evening and i couldn't keep it in but share it. It turned out to be facts.