I turned my back and we sat in silence. The glow of our phones lighting up our faces mine, sad yours, oblivious
mine, a way out of our plans tomorrow yours, Facebook scrolling
then, the last straw the tip of the iceberg it wasn’t the things he said that night it was everything it was me feeling like I wasn’t good enough our hearts filled not equally
mine, full, overflowing, even yours, unsure, you turned to me and tried to make me giggle react laugh at a post I shoved you and the flood gates opened first quietly then raging heavy, breathe taking sobs crying crying
then you realized this wasn’t a joke you held me tight and I told you why All of it, and you laid and listened silence shhhhhh you said. shhhhhh you’re okay. shhhh
No, No I’m not this isn’t okay.
why am I not enough the way I feel is too much I shouldn’t have to hold it all back You’ve turned me into an insomniac