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Jul 2016
"What price love?" The scholar asks
"Is it lust which breaks the bone?"
The rock he hefts leaves him bereft
Ossified as stone.

Here we have the question
As we lift the weighted pall
'Tis it better to have loved and fully lost
Than to never love at all?

(C) 7/2/2016
"Jude the Obscure" is a novel written in the late 19th century by Thomas Hardy. A tale of dreams (the protagonist, Jude, was a stonemason who had ambitions of being a scholar) Love vs. Lust (Jude marries a woman who claims to be pregnant. Is divorced, then finds his true love, Sue) and the price of both. Jude has an extremely difficult life. Due mainly to his poor decisions regarding his love life. In the end it destroyed him.

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