Inside the aumbry of thy rib's, Mine verses there queen Shalt alway's live. When Thou doth close thine Engineer orb's, Knoweth this Mine Jane; Mine pearl.
Long agone, god choose thee, To be mine darling from the sea; The one who whisper's to me when I sleep, In thy soul mine poetry speaks.
If tonight mine inhalation shalt cease I'm not just flesh, but a spirit antique; Mine word's hath come from the up above, To show thee forgiveness, and Christ's own love
And don't forget queen where thou camest from From the Almighty's hand's wherein life dost come, Where the Angel's fly, and the mountain's hum Past the human sun, in the third heaven.
So go to sleep Reyna, and dream of me, One day we'll meet, O' please believe; And when thou dost wake in the morrow Thou shalt seest the clear amour that follows.
And smile we wilt do plenty of, For we aren't of earth, but sky's above; And when thou shalt see the light I'll guide thee where there is no night.
aumbry- cupboard or closet. Thou- you Doth - do. Thine- another form of thy- meaning ( your) Orb's - eyes I use engineer eyes because Jane is studying to become engineer. Agone- ago ( long agone means long ago) Thee- like thou means you. Thy- your. inhalation- breathing in. Taking breath in. By saying I'm spirit antique - this means im an ancient spirit. Hath- have. Camest- means ( came) Dost like doth doesn't just mean do but can use to as does. Wherein - in which. Reyna- means queen. Morrow- the following day. Seest - see. Amour - love. Wilt- will