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Jun 2016
Adenium Obesum
Known as Desert Rose
also known as
Fat Plant
Gazelle Lily
in common prose

She is a dry land beauty
waxy leaf and trumpet flower
a lovely pink magenta
she needs gentle
desert showers

Her stem is whitish
bare of leaf
she won't thrive in a vase
her root is like a tuber
she's got an
obese base!

Her exquisite blooms
are very large
and though they have no scent
they cover all
The Desert Rose

she is heaven sent!

(C) 6/15/2016
My father has one of these Desert Rose plants on our front porch. The base is very funny looking and it's like a boojum tree. But the blooms and the leaves are exquisite! I enjoy it very much when I sit out in My Sanctuary. The front porch is where I go to pray.

This is my last day for my formal Camp Wellness classes. Tomorrow is my graduation! I will be doing an open mic tonight... and I have to practice! I won't be on site today obviously. But after this graduation I will be able to read a lot more.


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