it is a bit past 3 AM and i am waiting for you to see me. see me, see me.
you told me to write you a poem so here it is.
i am invisible and i am waiting for you to see me. i cannot make myself seen, i cannot make you look. so i wait. i wait, for it is all i can do and i cannot live with the feeling of doing nothing. powerlessness, in its all its bitter comfort, cradles me like an old friend.
a reconnection.
right now i am putting on the record we both like and i am pretending that you and i are the only ones who have ever heard it. in a brighter moment i might sing. in a brighter moment you might see me.
but for now, invisible, i dance. my feet kiss the floor and my fingers kiss these keys and i am writing you the poem you wanted and waiting, waiting, always waiting.