I thought about two ideas to write about and I didn't write about either.
One had to do with sidewalks and people-- the plundering of personality that happens even when you walk where it should be safe to be.
The other was about technology-- that inside our veins instead of polysaccharides was the wires to our electronics; that stitch themselves inside to keep us plugged in.
Maybe it was the in-toxicity of having to try and fail a persona that perpetuates underachievement
or a rebel that displays rebellion by not rebelling at all.
My mind is the lackluster of copper compared to silver-- its dull ensemble may be its greatest achievement a replication of someone else's words because mine lack the quality to be appreciated.
And my information for poetry is irrelevant to the real world-- because these are analogies they are the rhetoric of argument
the imagination of 'youth' and from my age deemed to lack understanding so I cannot be president, hardly can I speak, nor should I be listened to.
To ignore the voices of people based off of their age is to under value the potential of society as a whole.