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Jun 2016
I used to be the Fallen One
I got this name from a book
Fallen One is a male character
Who for sure got a good look
But his life consist of awful chapter


Since then, I used it as my pseudonym
We are not totally the same
I just love the darkness of him
I just love personalities that's dim

Let us say, I maybe depressed
Or I just find beauty in everything that falls
Or I just find comfort being a messed
That is why I've got this high walls

Maybe my words mean nothing
Cause I honestly don't know what I want to say
I just want somebody to hear me crying
And tell me it's going to be okay
(even tho it's a lie)

Silent pleas, save me from my own miseries
Self destruction button activated
Maybe I am made to be like this
To recover and then again devastated

I am always the fallen one
Never the rising one
Beauty I find in destruction
Peace I find in confusion

This is me, and I couldn't run away
I couldn't climb, I always fall
Maybe that's how I am supposed to be
Maybe that's how it is supposed to be
Sorry I talked nonsense. I mean "fall" in a very broad sense in there. Lost in thoughts and words. Lost in this world I am. Drowning in my own blood of miseries. I just want to let it all out. Oh LIFE.
Written by
Isabelle  25/F/Philippines
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