At a distance, a harp begins to play Mellifluous tunes attempting to capture the heart astray Every single note pleasant to the ears Every note reviving the comatose fears
Beautiful is the song as it is enchanting Through agile fingers, a masterpiece in the making But as the riveting sound cavorts the insipid walls Dispelled memories return like raging falls
Strumming the strings equate a pronounced invitation Melodic verses transmogrify into proposed elation But the rhythm is alarmingly familiar Whose end averts from the spectacular
The harps plays, the harp sings Obnoxious bells produce clamorous rings For the songs it sings are dulcet But the notes may be disguised bayonettes
The comely harp will continue creating its art A fragile bubble vulnerable to approaching darts As the music invades every corner May the north be an inexorable commander