Every memory lingers under the patches I made to the wall Every wound hides under the new layer of skin Every heartache I ever felt is inside this tiny box Every tear fills this river that I’m swimming in And if you know me well, you know that I can’t swim So I just wade around a while, trying to keep to where I can touch Screaming for help Choking on the water Gasping for air You are nowhere to be found “Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” Nothing… The sun is shining and the birds are singing, but the sky is grey and silent The water tosses me into the rocks What’s a few more scars between friends? And hell, what’s a pint of blood between enemies? Anything for you my dear, anything for you You smile that smile The one that makes me weak And under I go My little box in hand Together we sink, until we hit bottom Bottom was a long way down But after preparing for it for a while now, we’re finally here What a dump So this is home? This is all that’s left? This is what I get? Things were always better when you were around But since you’re gone I guess I’d better get used to it Being alone that is… I wonder if there’s any room left in that box for me…