Poetry is a mask in reverse created from just a mere spark bringing to light who we really are out of the depths of the dark Despite ourselves we try to hide in the realms of our daily lives and then poetry's visceral therapy weaves magic spells from our fingers right out of our minds Suddenly, there is no choice but to allow those masks to be dropped like a sudden change of fancy at a medieval ball: Naked eyes for coverings are swapped Yes…the command is given ornate masks slip with a splat upon the floor Suddenly, all dancers look upon each other's faces discovering treasures they knew not before Pregnant silence reigns and only then does the true dance begin in bransles' or corantos' countered moves, a new quiet drowns out the din Let it commence! in festive air, all attempts to hide are in vain Subtextual glances and heady music create sensual tension profane The wine is flowing smiles glowing and soon release will bear fruit as the dance is danced without inhibition and all pretenses start to uproot And so it is in poetry… All those masks are thrown down the words just trip from beyond our lips making magic from adjectives and nouns Now, our words drip upon the paper revealing the secrets divine our souls are coaxed out from the layers melting your sparkling poets' hearts into mine
BTW a bransle and coranto are examples of traditional medieval line dances