This divided society putting most of us in poverty but can't do nothing 'bout it cause the computer cuts us too neatly Still upholding the divinity of Austrian economic theories when for the last hundred years the rise of the dollars been all about demographics & behavioral science Capital is nothing more than a natural resource I don't care that you got there first The aquifer runs wide please don't poison mine Profit is nothing but an unpaid cost of labor Cause I agreed to a certain pay I must work the rest of my hours as a Wage Slave Yeah, you could say it was consensual but don't have much choice when I got mouths to feed, a checklist of other needs, and no extra dough to risk buying exclusivity rights to plunder a piece of Earth
Human Beings: We call ourselves advanced when we never been closer to death
Human Beings: We fear the government while proprietors with most control grab up more
Human Beings: I get more joy buying things today than playing with the things I bought yesterday
Human Beings: Millennial pessimists, riding out the apocalypse instead of promulgating progress