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Mar 2016
She stopped, her lips open agape.
The winds howled as they enveloped her, rippling a grey Marled sweater against her back like a sinking ships flag as she glared at the sea.
Her stare was a devilish dream sinking you into a dark daze.
The waves screamed as they crashed and lightning flashed against her eyes.
What beautiful hazel eyes they were.
She then met my eyes
With the stealth of a hawk
A swift motion followed by a shocked expression came across her,
I just wanted to help,
I said in dispair,
Such awful thoughts in such a person.
No wonder nature created women, with such fierce and compassionate nature ******* into one.
My first go at a short story type poem, tell me what you think! Any feedback is always welcome (:
Vanessa Marie
Written by
Vanessa Marie  Massachusetts
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