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Mar 2016
I open my eyes, for what I anticipated to be a brief moment
But I find myself standing in the middle of a puddle
About 5 inches deep and I'm bare foot
How did I get here?

I don't know who's clothes I'm wearing
I don't recognize the street in which I'm standing
Not a soul in sight.
Stranded in the middle of a big city
And it's some time between 10 and 3 o'clock
All I know is that it's dark and these street lights light up a way

I could take this path that's lit for me ahead
But I don't know where it leads
Maybe if I close my eyes I'll go back to where I came from
Where do I belong?
These past few months have been very tough. It feels like I am drowning sometimes by all of the tasks relentlessly placed on my plate. I understand that life is not made to be easy, but at what point do you say 'Enough'. I feel like I am in this fight alone and I'm not a fighter anymore.
Written by
PaperclipPoems  Nor Cal / Arizona
(Nor Cal / Arizona)   
       J, Denel Kessler, Ami Shae, ---, ryn and 8 others
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