The sky is grey, my thoughts are dark.
The wind blows but nothing moves.
I feel empty, I am certainly empty.
When the night falls on the city, it takes my happiness away.
I feel alone at midnight, i feel alone all the time actually.
Even surrounded i feel alone, and empty, and sad.
The seasons change, time goes by, i know that i'll feel better soon.
It's always like that, right?
I need it, i have to believe it, everything will soon get better.
I fill this permanent space with temporary.
Music, wine, thoughts, I become sleepless.
Is it like that that we know that we increased?
When everything becomes dark and heavy.
I'm loosing myself, i ****** me from the inside, i change too fast.
Is it necessary? Do i have to **** my old self to reborn?
I can't see tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month.
I only see yesterday and before.
I have to wake up from this, that can only be a bad dream.
Too calm to be a nightmare, but too violent to be a sweet dream.
Give me some wine,
Play someΒ Β music,
Says nothing,
I don't want to know.
Knowledge is power, except in my case.
I am lost and empty.
I am sad and no myself.
I need this revival, I don't want to have suffered for nothing.
Tell me that it wasn't for nothing.
Life must have something for me.
I don't ask much,
I just want to be myself again.