You're lazy She only needed some rest You're untidy* The slight mess gives him comfort You're clingy She only needed some love You're bossy He only wanted to take control for once I don't like how you ask so many questions She doesn't want to misunderstand you I don't like how you talk so loud He wants you to hear him You're selfish She has never stopped caring, give her a break You don't care What did I say before?
Curse her with flaws Hatred swallows him whole When will they be truly appreciated? They will never know
When will you stop judging? You killed him on the inside Tears flooded their veins Start clearing your plain sight
Demons are for real They are not fantasies They sleep under our beds And haunts us every night in our sleep
Your curses feeds them Your unnecessary comments keeps them alive You don't know them at all For you aren't the ones living on the edge