The doctor rubbed my sore shoulder spraying copious amounts of analgesic compound to freeze the area from the side of my eye I caught the silver glint of a 6 inch needle poised to penetrate my quivering shoulder with cortisone intense pain exploded through my consciousness as the syringe fracked into the deeper regions of my shoulder
Afterwards, while reflecting on this incident I thought about polarities and Newton’s Law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” The pain I had just experienced did not occur in a vacuum Somewhere along the time continuum I’d set up that opposite swing of the pendulum
I recollected all the intense moments of extreme and dizzying sense enjoyment, lust and gratification my mind has sought and indulged in with rabid satisfaction always wanting more, restless, never content or at peace
When we examine this world, and its quintessential duality we are confronted with extremes at every angle Hot, cold, up, down, win, lose We can’t have birth without death and so on hmm…. I thought as the enlightenment bulb went off in my head This is why many great sages and saints fostered a way of life that transcended duality
Lord Buddha extolled the “Middle Path” He described the middle way as moderation between the excesses of carnal indulgence and self mortification
Aristotle gave us the “Golden Mean” “every virtue is a mean between two extremes, each of which is a vice.”
Sathya Sai Baba states: “The object of meditation is equanimity, the object of equanimity is samadhi (enlightenment or self realization)"
This beautiful quote by Bhagavan Baba is redolent with wisdom and sublime beauty:
“Surrender to God and to life means the absence of duality and being of the same nature as God. But such a state is beyond man’s will. Surrender is when doer, deed and object are all God. It comes naturally to a heart filled with love for God. God is as a spring of fresh and sweet water in the heart. The best tool to dig a well to that inexhaustible source and savor its sweetness, is Japa (Chanting God’s Name)