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Feb 2016
whenever you kiss my forehead
that adorable half-smirk
stroking my hair
your snicker (you know what i'm talking about)
the comfort of sitting in silence
you tolerate my love of books
how your stubble feels against my skin
walking together, hand in hand
i can't figure your eye color
you make my heart sing
all the nicknames you have for me
you're willing to work out the kinks in our relationship
stroking my face
'grabbing' my nose to make me laugh
whenever i catch you staring at me
you'll buy me books
talking about the future, our future
you help me with dishes, without a complaint
when you play with my hair
your fingers twitch as you drift off
always being so understanding about everything
brushing my hair out of my face
you pause your video games to talk with me
every time i hear your voice on the phone, i smile like an idiot
drying my tear-stained cheeks with your fingers
you want to talk about anything and everything
always caring about my well-being
you see my perspective and i see yours
hugging for a long time
you want to go to church with me
knowing exactly what to say (most of the time)
you keep spoiling me, even though you joke
snuggling together
your mouth twitches before you kiss me
that soft smile you get from time to time
you've never treated me as an object
making me feeling safe and secure
whenever you compliment me
you take naps on me
letting me rest for a few minutes
you don't make sexist jokes

look how far we've come, my love
       and how far we have to go
this was my valentine's day present to my boyfriend
Written by
jenna elizabeth  26/F/dallas, oregon
(26/F/dallas, oregon)   
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