Versonos, mine scarlatinian craves For thee, instinctively. Attent I am In wake, or sleep; I shantilize by the Seaside, of the shaded creek's.
In lavunger, mine frame needeth Held, attended to; the mires art All around us philaprose, though Through the ill abysmal, we hath Been through.
Much ashru, O' much velanuv, I shalt be on bended leg's and Knee's; just to seeith mine Jane Of soothe. Thus the avenue's Shalt be rough, and the stones Shalt roughen ourn soles, I'm A king that shalt do whatever It taketh, to get to mine lass; To findeth mine way home.
Versonos- is a word I made .. ( it means in deep truth)... scarlatinian is another word I made- meaning ( Scarlet heart full of amour that's overflowing.) Or a scarlet heart with love overflowing.. Attent- observant, attentive, ( old archaic word.) shantilize- is a word I made up- ( it means, I wait anxiously to meet you, or can mean you wait shantalizingly to wait for someone.- meaning anxiously waiting for them.) Lavunger- is a word I made up..( it means in loving hunger, or loving hunger.) Philaprose- is a word I made up meaning ( Filipino rose) also Philippines rose.... I mean first definition, Ashru- means tears in Hindi tongue. velanuv- another word I made up meaning ( pain that comes from being patient for a long time.) Sole- bottom part of feet...