the venerable Plato would have shunned the very title of this verse
for him philosophy and poetry were as diverse as Spartans and Athenians who fought each other in his time
yet later thinkers of the western world as well as many teachings farther east and south were much less adamant to so divide philosophers, statesmen and politicians from those who gave aesthetic shapes to life made people gather in their public places in theaters or just with friends next door to listen to the words that offered powerful examples of love and pain and happiness of power treachery and greed losses and victories and visions of our origins and what the future might be like and that to recognize and love the beauty of our world leads us to understand the depths of life so we may choose our paths accordingly
that was the time when beauty truth and good were one
such words are difficult to find in our time when three-word soundbites have replaced coherent speech statesmen are few and politicians many professionals claim expertise each in their fields talk business only with their kind
philosophers speak to each other at conferences and universities poetics are not really on their mind
poets have found themselves part of the arts whose function in the common understanding is to embellish everybody’s everyday with pleasant images and notions mending the harm done by so many hurt emotions
Plato’s revenge it seems has finally come home to roost and the poetics of philosophy is surely desperate to receive a major boost