$50, 000,000 Trust Fund? or a Call to God? the Heart of all Humanity was in Tears..
Why theres no Waste in God, I thought.. Why limit the Parameters?
And in the Wondering ...
I looked Up to the Moon and saw a Light, a Brilliant White Light
Beautiful beyond Imagination...
...so I went to the Edge of the Horizon, and Joined with it.. listening to its teachings until finally it was clear and then it said.. "I want you to give a message for me.."
..."Play the Harp"...
and it was a calm of Peace and a maturing of the Soul to look at Earth in this way
Directly from Portugal to Africa From los Angel's... to the Same a perfect Triangle of Decision which had both Focus and Depth a width of which could never have been arrived at any other way
Gods decision. It had always been Given It had just never Known
Felt by the Leo n, first the Pen Holder, then the crown and then the Harp
One was for God one was for Man and the Pen...... It was an entirely New reality Never Before seen...
Life form not yet Given and Yet already expressed Gods Word in Form .. pure Love She saw it in the Children's Eye's Felt it in her man's Heart Knew that the Lions Strength made it so Thats a Good Woman. And So It Is.