Each contain seven pictures Each drawn and quartered Third easel'd and painted The fourth merely this world and if you add together the dis continents and containments The Field lies unplowed beyond each square of pavement Black hardwood and rainments Bishoprics and taints Elementary you say, we'll ain't it quaint Four Sevens is enough to turn my year ago Enough is how much they say can fill up just one Drawer well add pluralities of empathy and subtract my ego thats hurting for wealth and you'd have some Thing like an object which could represent Well Health is just environments inside shelves of disorder They rarely start me in winter fold fall back to summer and Spring A gracious step across lilypads Strafe not for air covers ground patrols sweep Submariners are the only kind I know not who they are these Cheats I take for honest Honest men I could count on my ******* Me and you Two Well One is just a Drawer On a cabinet Which I no longer own and it contains the air inside it and whatever you put in it Well I own that too.
Certain certainties needed elaborating to justify my creating